Throughout the year we have a lovely selection of plants. Being a farm shop our preference is for the cottage garden.
From February onwards we have an excellent variety of roses. The perennials on display include delphiniums, lupins, hollyhocks and lavenders. However we don’t just stock the traditional mainstays. We sell many quirky plants, all at very competitive prices.
For both the spring and autumn bedding seasons all the usual suspects are available. From lobelia and bizzy lizzies to winter flowering pansies and primroses.
We cater for the grow your own enthusiast with seeds from Mr Fothergills and Johnsons. We also have spring and autumn collections of Taylors Bulbs.
Because we grow strawberries those plants are available too, along with rhubarb, raspberry canes and fruit bushes. If you have an allotment or small green house then during the spring growing season we have seed potatoes, vegetable transplants and tomato plants.
Finally if you are not the outdoorsy type our entrance lobby contains a great selection of houseplants from aloe vera and cacti to rubber plants and zantedeschia.