Our Christmas trees have arrived. We have a lovely selection of Nordmann Fir both cut and pot grown. The Nordmann Fir has soft needles that it retains for a very long time. The traditional Christmas tree the Norway Spruce has a wonderful smell, but does, lose it’s much sharper needles, a lot more quickly.
Help both types of tree retain their needles by treating them like a cut flower and regularly water the base. The stands we sell are ideal for watering your tree.
All the trees we sell are grown locally in Leicestershire. Help reduce your carbon footprint by purchasing a locally grown tree. It can take a single tree up to 10 years (approximately 1 Christmas tree lifetime) to filter the amount of CO2 produced by a 90 minute car journey, so buy as locally as possible.
The trees are from a sustainable source. Every tree harvested has another planted in it’s place. Our supplier grows a million Christmas trees; 350 acres of lungs, filtering up to 22 million kg of CO2 from the atmosphere every year.
After Christmas, recycling your tree is better for the environment and you can support charity at the same time. Book your tree for collection at: www.charityxmastreecollection.com This years local charities are the Myton Hospice and Pass the Smile.