Seasonal fruit & veg
We supplement our own fresh fruit and vegetables with a wide selection of fresh fruit and vegetables from further a field. When in season we stock as much local and English produce as we can.
Our growing season starts with rhubarb which is usually available fresh in the farm shop from late March. As the season moves on we have broad beans and courgettes followed by runner beans, marrows and squashes. Sunflowers and sweetcorn provide late summer pick your own crops. We grow all our own pumpkins for Halloween.
During the summer months we freeze large quantities of our summer fruits for sale through out the winter. Raspberries freeze especially well but you can still make jam from frozen strawberries or use in a trifle.
We grow our own maincrop potatoes, two white varieties Wilja and Marfona and a red, Stemster. All three varieties are very versatile and will boil, mash, roast, chip and jacket.
The new potatoes we sell are a variety called Maris Bard and are grown locally by a farmer near Nuneaton.
We sell a wide variety of traditional English apples, pears and plums in the late summer from a farm near Daventry varieties include Cox, Russet, Worcester, Discovery, Festival, Red Pippin, Conference pear, Opal & Victoria plums.